Hervey Bay Kindergarten: Setting up an imagination table at home
Are you trying to pry away your kindergartener from their phone or device? Have you found it increasingly difficult to make them give more time to creativity? There are certain things which can actually help your child give more time to their imaginative skills.
One way to enhance the creative instinct in your child is to install an imagination station in your home. It can actually make for hours of pretend play which not only help pry your child away from their device but it can help keep them busy in a productive way.
So how do you go about setting up an imagination station? It’s pretty simple. Just keep the followings tips from the teachers at Hervey bay kindergarten in your mind:
Setting up an imagination station
- Choose various objects which are somehow related to the kindergarten curriculum your child is learning at school. Talking to a teacher at the Hervey bay kindergarten to help you get an idea about the things your child would be learning about at school.
- Setting up a workstation fulfills the dual purpose of allowing your child to spend some me time alone and also a time to reinforce all that they have learnt a school.
- If your child is learning the concept of sharing at school you could set up the work station into a puppet show by using a cardboard box to serve as a small theater and using hand puppets of different sorts to act out as characters in the play. If possible, make sure you spend some time playing at the workstation. This would help your child get an idea of how they should be putting their creativity to use.
- Don’t forget to use lots of colorful papers and huge crayons so children could draw and write to their heart’s content.
- Also make sure there are Legos available when and if the child decides to build something for their imaginary friend. Make sure to use larger Legos for younger children. It would be easier for them to handle.
Interesting ideas for an imagination station
- You can create an airport in the small corner of a room. Small chairs can be used in a way to resemble the chairs in a plane setting. Also if you could get your hands on the uniforms it would be great. You would get a whole lot of stuff from garage sales or thrift stores.
- A beauty salon is also pretty easy to set up. Get your hands on a few dolls and old make up if available. Children actually love playing beauty salon at home. It helps unleash their creativity and they love playing with color.
- Animal clinic or hospital. Get your hands on all the stuffed animals. Use a small pretend bed made from card board and make hospital supplies using different materials.
The above mentioned are just a few ideas which you can make use of. In fact it doesn’t really matter that you buy the supplies, most of these can be made at home with the help of your child.
Bay Explorers have multiple kindergartens in Hervey Bay. Send them their to help improve their imagination and creativity.